EoCoE coordinator
High performance Computing, computational fluid dynamics and astrophysics.
WP1 Leader
High-performance numerical linear algebra. Parallel computing. Algorithm development and optimization. Method development in Materials Science. Data analysis and Machine Learning. High-performance tensor computations.
WP3 leader
High-Performance Computing, Fast Sparse Linear Solvers and Preconditioners, Computational and Data Science
WP5 leader
High Performance Computing - High Performance Data Analytics
WP6 leader
Computational Materials Science, project manager
Materials for Energy Scientific Challenge leader
Computational Materials Science, research scientist
Head of the Wind SC. Participant in nearly all WPs.
High performance Computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Large Eddy Simulation.
WP3 participant
Numerical Linear Algebra, Linear Solvers and Preconditioners, High-Performance Computing
T1.4.2 Leader: Hydropower modelling in the Italian Alpine region
Large-scale hydrological modeling including the presence of Human Systems, Hydropower simulation
Liaison with EERA & Simulations on materials
HPC computing – Scheduling – Efficiency – Fault tolerance – Optimization of scientific codes – Physics of materials
WP3 participant
High performance linear system solver
Participant in WP1 and WP2 for the libNEGF flagship code. Senior Researcher at CNR-ISMN. Expert in electronic transport in nanodevices. Developer of the simulation tool for multiscale device simulations, TiberCAD, main developer of the libNEGF library for quantum transport calculations.