Post-doctoral position at IRIT: improvement of methods for the solution of sparse linear systems on large scale parallel supercomputers
IRIT is seeking candidates for a 18-months post-doctoral position at the IRIT laboratory of Toulouse (France). The subject is related to the improvement of methods for the solution of sparse linear systems on large scale parallel supercomputers. Specifically, this post-doc will investigate methods for reducing the complexity and improving the scalability of multigrid solvers through the use of low-rank approximation techniques in the coarse grid solver or in the intermediate levels smoothers.
The successful candidate will work in the context of the European EoCoE-II project ( whose objective is to leverage the potential offered by the ever-growing computing infrastructure to foster and accelerate the European transition to a reliable low carbon energy supply using High Performance Computing.
Requirements: PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics, strong expertise in sparse linear algebra and high performance parallel computing.
Detailed information:
Alfredo Buttari (