The Institute for Applied Computing (IAC), Naples branch, at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) invites applicants for a temporary researcher position in Numerical Linear Algebra for High-Performance Computing (NLA4HPC).
- Type of position: non-permanent research position (Ricercatore a tempo determinato)
- Funding: The position is funded by the EC in the framework of the EuroHPC-JU “Energy-oriented Center of Excellence, Fostering the European Energy Transition with Exascale” (EoCoE-III). Project web page:
- Description: design, analysis and implementation of communication-avoiding iterative methods and preconditioners for solving sparse linear systems on heterogeneous computers for HPC at extreme scales
- Application deadline: July 11, 2024, at 6:00pm CEST
- Date of interview: to be communicated
- Expected starting date: October 1, 2024
- Duration: 12 months
- Teaching load: none
- Salary: ~1900 EUR net per month
- Call number: 331.3 RIC IAC.
o master degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering (see the link to the call below for full details). Important: titles obtained abroad must be formally validated by the Italian Department of Education and Research
o 3 years of experience in the development and/or use of numerical methods for Linear Algebra, as well as in the development and/or use of scientific libraries for HPC and coding with C/C++, MPI/OpenMP/Cuda or a PhD title in the topics mentioned in the description above.
Working conditions:
- 10 days per month of home-working is allowed and 30 vacation days. Get in touch with us for more info.
- Official call (Italian only): available here:
- How to apply: through this website:
- Info: Pasqua D’Ambra (