June 14, 15, 2021
The Energy-oriented Center of Excellence will hold a consortium meeting, with 18 public scientific
talks on Monday and Tuesday, June 14 and 15.
These presentations, which will mostly be given by young researchers, will cover most of the topics
relevant to the EoCoE center of excellence. Challenges both technical and linked to application domains
will be addressed, and we are confident these talks will give an extensive view of how HPC-fueled
simulation is evolving, to ultimately benefit the move towards a decarbonized energy ecosystem.
In the list you find the link to the video recording of each talk:
- Edouard Audit (CEA, project coordinator): General introduction
- Kyle Reeves (CEA): “Investigating the structural and electrochemical properties of biredox ionic liquids in acetonitrile via first-principles simulations”
- Gilles Marait (INRIA): “Sparse linear solvers in a HPC reproducible environment“
- Gerard Guillamet (BSC): “Fluid structure simulation for wind energy using Alya HPC.”
- Jaro Hokkanen (FZJ): “Performance Portability on HPC Accelerator Architectures with Modern Techniques: The ParFlow Blueprint“
- Sebastian Friedemann (INRIA): “EnKF Data Assimilation for ParFlow with Melissa-DA. WP5 work with the Hydrology Scientific Challenge“
- Abdeselam El Haman Abdeselam (ULB): “Porting an aggregation-based algebraic multigrid method to GPUs“
- José Fonseca (CEA) : “Local grid refinement in Parflow: discretization extensions.“
- Bibi S. Naz (FZJ): “Evaluating hydrologic response to groundwater representation in high-resolution pan-European multi-model simulations“
- Konstantinos Chasapis (DDN): “Integration of Parallel I/O Library and Flash Native Accelerators: An Evaluation of SIONlib with IME“
- Christian Witzler (JSC): “PDI2SENSEI- easier in-situ visualisation“
- Helen Schottenhamml (FAU): “Actuator-Line simulation of wind turbines using the Lattice Boltzmann Method”
- Kévin Obrejan (IRFM): “Upgrade of the gyrokinetic simulation code GYSELA towards D-shaped geometries“
- Florian Dupuy (Meteo France): “Calibration of ensemble forecasts using convolutional neural networks”
- Andrea Galletti (UNITN): “Detailed representation of hydropower systems in a large Alpine watershed: modelling approach and scalability“
- Vincent Darrigrand (CNRS): “Performance improvements in domain decomposition method through novel features in sparse direct solvers“